Rocket Logo Fins Blog

Choosing a Theme

The fine print:
Be sure to consult I ♥ HTML req before committing to a Fins (Rocket Theme)!
All themes are always considered incomplete, unlike WordPress themes, where the owner is not expected to jump in and adjust the HTML/CSS

not-alphabet theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-alphabet theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

AspieAutomator site

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-alphabet theme grid-area

not-apnews theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-apnews theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-apnews demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-apnews theme screenshot

not-axios theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-axios theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

dataFundamentals.com site

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-axios theme grid-area

not-codesign theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-codesign theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-codesign demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-codesign theme grid-area

not-five38 theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-five38 theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

You are currently browsing the demo site for the not-five38 theme!

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-five38 theme grid layout

not-fuelcell theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-fuelcell theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-fuelcell demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-fuelcell theme grid-area

not-github theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-github theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-github demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-github theme grid-area

not-ibm theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-ibm theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-ibm demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-ibm theme grid layout

not-next theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-next theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-next demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-next theme grid-area

not-npr theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-npr theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-npr demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-npr theme grid-area

not-nyt theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-nyt theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-nyt demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-nyt theme grid-area

not-optimize theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-optimize theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-optimize demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-optimize theme grid-area

not-reddit theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-reddit theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-reddit demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-reddit theme grid-area

not-rocket theme

From this archetype:

rocket.modern-web.dev screenshot


not-rocket theme screenshot

not-slashdot theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-slashdot theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-slashdot demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-slashdot theme grid-area

not-virgin theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-virgin theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

betterology.com site

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-virgin theme grid-area

not-wikipedia theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-wikipedia theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-wikipedia demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-wikipedia theme grid-area

not-wired theme

From this archetype:

FiveThirtyEight.com screenshot


not-wired theme screenshot

Live Demo Site

not-wired demo

Lighthouse Score May 2021:

not-wired theme grid-area