What could you accomplish, without legacy stacks?
You might respond with "Depends on what the legacy stacks were replaced with!
This site takes advantage of the more basic, but latest iterations of browser standards
- An exemplary SSG implementation
- PWAs in general
- Lit, Firebase, Netlify, other helpful vendors
- more
Still ignoring most of the usual beautification issues on this theme, perhaps you'll see some of that here by 2022.
Escaping the WordPress Doom Loop
2021 is all about site migrations, for me. The big dog here, is WordPress.
For 38+ million sites, WordPress makes it all possible! Not to be underestimated, in it's power and capability.
Here is my latest post that attempts to pin WordPress into the legacy apps category.
Or, check out the previously written Tech-Envy article for a little insight on why a lot of the Wordpress+ market might eventually go gaga over some of what you see here!
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash